Predictive Maintenance / Condition Based Maintenance
Asset Reliability and Maintenance strategies of today are directed either to reduce the Chances of failure by removing the opportunity of failure to start or to reduce the Consequences of failure by reducing the loss after failure started. All the Predictive or Condition Based Maintenance (PdM/ CBM) tools help in reduction of Consequences. Over the decades, as the maintenance philosophies evolved from reactive to time-based preventive, to condition-based predictive, the predictive way of managing the assets is found to be the most preferred method for already acquired, installed and running machinery.

So any plant that have adopted any reliability-focused strategy, must realize that the majority of the maintenance activities are being covered under the umbrella of Predictive Maintenance. PdM involves various Condition Monitoring techniques such as Vibration Monitoring and Analysis, Wear Debris Analysis (WDA) (Ferrography), Thermal Imaging, Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA), Structural Health Monitoring etc.

AUDIT the current Maintenance Practices and their individual relevance to critical asset's reliability, availability, and opportunity of energy savings (for energy-intensive plants)
ASSESS any Link of present Maintenance activities with already-implemented Reliability-oriented initiative, if any.
HELP in developing a system of CBM/ PdM including:
Criticality analysis (with/ without any prevailing Reliability/ Risk based system)
Hardware and Software identification, feasibility, sensors selection, evaluation of vendors
Laboratory set-up, Database set-up, Scheduling, integration to CMMS
Online and offline monitoring viability and feasibility study for critical assets
Extension and integration of the same system with IIOT, AI architecture (prevailing or proposed)

Full support in on-job Training and skills development of engineers and technicians on the above specialized activities
Diagnostic Reporting system that meets every stakeholder’s technical requirements at ease.
VIBRATION-BASED Precision Maintenance:
Dynamic Balancing of critical rotors – fans, blowers, motors etc. at site.
High Speed Balancing of critical rotors at workshop (Supervision).
VIBRATION-BASED - Analysis System implementation (Chattering problem, Mold Oscillation System, large Cranes in steel plant):

ADVISORY BACKUP - to upgrade the Online Vibration Monitoring System to an Online Diagnostics System of Critical rotors (Turbines, Compressors, Pumps, large Fans, Motors etc.)
ADVISORY BACKUP - for Preservation of Critical Spare Rotors.
EXPERT SERVICES on STRUCTUAL HEALTH MONITORING (SHM) - Crane Girders, Beams, Supports, Rotary train's Monitoring and Analysis
We understand CBM tools, P-F illustration, and Integrated Asset Management philosophy. Hence CRD's perfection in managing your assets' health.